Riding in the summertime is living the dream! Long days and blue skies make motorcycle riding extra fun. But what about those heatwave days when it’s hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk? Sandals, shorts, and a T-shirt are great hanging-around clothing for the summer, but they don’t cut it when you are riding your motorcycle. You need more protection when you’re riding a motorcycle, regardless of the heat.

We’ve put together a quick guide to the gear you need to ride in the heat of the summer. If you have any questions or want to look at motorcycles for sale, visit SoCal Honda Powersports in Carson, CA.

The Right Helmet

If you complain about how stuffy and hot your helmet feels in the summer, look for a summer helmet with added ventilation and cooling. The extra airflow can make a big difference. While we always recommend a full-face helmet because it offers the best protection, some riders switch to a half-helmet in the summer.


If you’re really roasting, you might find sweat dripping into your eyes. Wrap a bandana around your head to catch sweat before it runs down. Grab another bandana and wet it, then tie it around your neck. The evaporation will help you stay cool.

Riding Jacket and Pants

A black leather jacket and a pair of jeans have timeless style, but it’s a pretty hot outfit for summer. Black absorbs heat and you’ll feel the difference. Wear a light-colored protective jacket, as it will keep you cooler. There are plenty of materials today that are built to breathe. Look for breezy clothes with a cool mesh material and vents.

Come see us at SoCal Honda Powersports in Carson, CA, if a new motorcycle is on your wishlist. Our friendly staff is here to make your riding safe and fun. We proudly serve all those in Los Angeles and Long Beach.