Off-roading on your ATV is thrilling, messy, and fun, but it can also be dangerous if you’re not properly equipped. We here at SoCal Honda Powersports want to help you enjoy every ride safely, so we’ve put together some riding gear recommendations for your ATV adventures. To learn more, or to see the ATVs and ATV accessories we have for sale, contact our store in Carson, California, today!

Head Protection

First and foremost, you need a crash-test certified helmet. Full face protection is ideal, so a motorcycle helmet would do great, but a motocross helmet and well-fitted goggles would also do the trick. Just make extra sure about the crash-test certification—any helmet without one may be better for decoration than protection.


Because ATV riding can get pretty rough and tends to be in rough places, you’ll want extra protection all over. A padded jacket and durable pants or a one-piece riding suit are perfect for the job, especially if they’re a bright color or highly reflective to make sure everyone can see you. Just make sure they’re breathable and flexible to keep you comfortable and focused. 

Gloves and Boots

Finally, make sure to protect your extremities. High-quality riding gloves can help you keep control of the ATV while also protecting your hands. You should also avoid riding in flip-flops, slip-ons, or canvas shoes at all costs. A sturdy boot that goes above the ankle and has good grip will keep your feet safer.

We hope these tips help keep you in one piece! For more information, or to see the ATVs we have available, contact us at SoCal Honda Powersports. We proudly serve the people of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California—let us serve you today!